
Showing posts from February, 2013

EduAfrique on TV!

Well..... not precisely, but the health messages that EduAfrique is taking to communities in Ghana is being aired on one of the nations main TV stations (GTV).The national campaign speaks against public urination, open defecation, littering (a HUGE problem) and other health diminishing practices. EduAfrique was overjoyed to see the ad on TV on the 20th of this month. EduAfrique will be printing T'shirts to speak against these polluting practices as well.

Another team member

EduAfrique has another volunteer! My mum arrived in Ghana at the end of Jan to lend a hand.

Early start

EduAfrique volunteers for 3 hours a day at a local creche in Kumasi. We draw and paint with the kids and teach them the importance of hand hygiene.

The land of corn, dust, but no goats

EduAfrique conducted a week long public education event in a very rural village close to the northern part of Ghana. The village had no electricity (and no goats - due to some sort of supersitition) so our equipments were powered by a generator. The village folk who are commercial maize producers, were very busy during the day but came out in droves in the evenings for the workshops. The people in this village had very limited concepts of hygiene but the coverage of sanitation was one the highest we've seen in Ghana. Toilets were found in many parts of the village.