
Showing posts from January, 2014

Did You Hear the One About the French, German and British?

Pasteur, Koch and Jenner are Nobel Prize winning scientists who proved WITHOUT A DOUBT that infectious diseases are caused by small animals (microorganisms). One gram (almost as small as a grain of sand) of faeces (toilet) may contain as many as 50 diseases! In 2014, as we pray for health and prosperity for ourselves and people in our communities, let's work hard to ensure that practices like 'flying toilets' (when people go in plastic bags and throw them out in the open, become a thing of the past. "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers".  3 John 1:2

"God bless our homeland Ghana"? It's going to be pretty hard if our neighbourhoods look like this!

image source: Green Ghanaian (

Do you see what I see?

What Ghanaians want visitors to Ghana to see: What visitors to Ghana actually see: In 2014, let's clean up our image by turning to our family/friends/neighbours and communities and say "Please, Stop Trashing Ghana". It's not just our image that's at stake when we neglect environmental hygiene and sanitation, our very lives are at stake.